Recent tweet (or twitter if you like) from @twailgum:Caution Blogger

  • Why are so many tech PR folks (not @mprosceno) disdainful of blogs and bloggers? Reminds of The Jerk: “He HATES these CANS!”

I follow Thomas Wailgum, senior editor at CIO Online, on Twitter and was a little taken back when I read this tweet last week. I enjoy public relations, am passionate about it and take offense to generalized comments about the industry, and my gut reaction was to fire off a reply. Luckily my logical side grabbed control and I sat on it.

Do PR people really have disdain for blogs and bloggers?

The answer (purely speculative and based upon my vast knowledge of everything) is no. However, for some of my counterparts, social media is uncharted territory and probably appears to be confusing. So while some will make mistakes, others of us, while not experts, have applied ourselves to learning and engaging with bloggers in an effort to realize what works best for them – and for our clients. One needs to ask themselves, is a blogger the same as a print writer? How do the rules differ, if at all? Does social media change agency/client interaction?

To respond to @twailgum, I do not think tech PR folks have a disdain for bloggers.  In fact, many in tech PR probably wish they could blog as successfully as you tech insiders. You likely came in contact with a few that just don’t understand blogging, bloggers, or the reach the medium has—especially in tech. Please don’t judge the many from the mistakes of a few.

As a side note, @twailgum followed that tweet with a retweet of Denise Dubie, senior editor at Network World:

  • RT @DDubie: New to me: The Followers pitch. PR saying I should cover their client’s news because my ‘followers’ need this info. >>yikes!

This got me wondering…who really follows the technology media on Twitter? Stay tuned because we’re about to do some digging and the results may surprise you.